
Showing posts from December, 2021

Azure Storage Account - Automate the Archived blob rehydration and copy the files using Azure Data Factory

  Introduction I have already posted about copying the data from On-Prem to Azure storage account. This is the continuation of the previous post because this will let you know about how to restore the data from Azure Archived data to Azure or On-Prem with automation.  The archived data can't be easily restored because it needs to rehydrated first then only you can copy the data. So i did work on this solution and was able to do with less manual effort.  Following tools i have used to achieve this requirement, Azure Storage account - Data stored in Archive Batch Accounts - Used to execute the script which will for Rehydration of Azure blob Azure Data Factory - Copy the data back to On-Prem. Logi Apps - Once this activity completed, mail will be triggered. Azure Data Factory final Activity flow will be: Created a storage account and put some blobs with archive tier. Then, We have a data factory and created all parameters under "Global Parameters" section Ex:  Source,...

Azure Data Factory - Send email with the activity status and Logs stored in Storage account using LogicApp

  Introduction Recently i've been working on one of requirement for copying the data between On-Premises to Azure. I did propose the Azure Data Factory and we have successfully demonstrated the copy between the source and destinations. So i thought of documenting the same and might be useful for others who ever come across this requirement, because i did worked on some additional automations like Custom Output, Validations.  The tool that i've used for this requirement is, Azure Data Factory, Azure LogicApp, Storage Account and Email account for testing. First, I have created a storage account with couple of containers, Then we have a Azure Data factory and created datasets of Azure storage account as Source and Destination. Next, pipeline creation from Azure Data Factory, Select the Copy Data Activity then configure Source & Sink be providing the Source and Destination storage account. Enable Logging in the Copy Data activity so that the logs would be stored and can be at...