
Showing posts from November, 2021

How to use Azure Workbook for publishing alerts in Azure Dashboard

 Introduction It allows users to create customizable interactive reports and  can query data from multiple sources within Azure. It has ability to pin the generated report in Azure dashboard which we can be share it with your team and can be monitored at any time. As mentioned in previous blog, i will be demonstrating how to use workbook to change the UI of Alerts dashboard and other visualizations & filters. I'm going to Apply the Day wise filter and change the Color scheme which can be useful for monitoring the alerts. 1.     Add the TimeRange parameter from the Azure Monitor Workbook 2.     Type TimeRange as the title and select the Time Range Picker from the drop down list as highlighted below and select some time range values and save it. Once done, it will be looks like the below window 3.     Next, add the query and select 4. Select the Data Source, Subscriptions and Copy the alerts query which we created from the previous blog. 5. Add ...

How to publish Alerts in Azure Dashboard

  Introduction Azure alerts are commonly used in most of the customer environments and it can be configured for any resources you run on Azure or On-premises or other cloud solutions. But i see little difficult in getting this alerts to be published in Azure Dashboards. So I thought of sharing this article so that it might be useful for others.  Solution I have used Resource Graph query & Workbook to publish all the alerts in Azure Dashboard and it's great feature too.  Supported Alert Signal types: Metric LogSearch Resource Health Service Health Below is the Resource Graph query which i used to pull all the alerts. alertsmanagementresources |  extend  TimeFired = todatetime(properties.essentials.startDateTime) |  extend  EventOccured = todatetime(properties.context.context.activityLog.eventTimestamp) |  extend  AlertName = name |  extend  subscriptionId = subscriptionId |  where ...